Wild News Wednesday - 11/20/19

We’re trolling this week for some amazing new stories to spark your next great idea. Check out the wild and wacky below! Also, I found some amazing pun memes this week, so… you’re welcome.

If you are looking for some positive vibes, check out this video of people and a dog (!) running in to save koalas from fires in Australia. Seriously, people can be awesome and dogs continue to rule the world one cute face at a time.

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Winning the lottery usually sends the lucky ticket holder down a very bad or expensive path, but this couple managed to keep it (relatively) chill and be adorable while doing it. Also, can I have a two day work week? Because that sounds legit.

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Need a setting for your haunted or cursed story? Check out this giant hotel in North Korea that was never finished. GUYS. Ghost building! Its nickname is the Hotel of Doom! I need this story.


Whether you are writing about a Highlander (“there can be only one” highlander, not Jamie highlander), vampires, or fae, immortality is an irresistible draw. For those of you intrigued by the idea of long life, scientists are now one step closer after discovering that plant DNA may be the key to slowing the aging process.

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For the contest of weirdest job ever, check out these caretakers giving an albino alligator a bath. What an answer to give when people ask, “What do you do for a living?”

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Mail carriers are amazing — why don’t we have more USPS and FedEx heroes and heroines? Check out this mail carrier in Wisconsin who now has a turkey shadow, just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.

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Anything spark your imagination? I’d love to hear about it!

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Instagram: @sbarnesq2


Wild News Wednesday - Thanksgiving Edition! 11/27/2019


Wild News Wednesday - 11/13/19